Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discussion on rolls of translators in localiczation and translation Term Paper

Discussion on rolls of translators in localiczation and translation memory environment - Term Paper Example Like the rest of the ‘knowledge sector,’ translators are obliged to work on computer screens and do their research using the web. Unlike their colleagues however, they have been propagating this new work environment and fomenting change precisely by their role in translating it. The most significant tool used until now by translators in the digital work environment is Translation Memory software, or TM. By putting the developments of the last 20 years in historical perspective and with particular attention to events over the last two, this article argues that TM is reaching its use-by date. It also examines the strong re-emergence of Machine Translation (MT) in response to TM's inability to cope with the increasing translating needs of today’s digital age. (p. ... For example physicians, public servants, theologians, writers and poets translated the work of their respective fields. (p. 200) The grooming of translation as a profession is based on a century’s time period but shaping translation into a new form of business is a story of recent times, as this paper looks at the work of some of the modern authors, Brian Mossop (2006) is no exception. According to him, â€Å"most changes over the past 20 years have been changes in translation as a business†. (p. 788) Further more, he has written that now days, there are now translations companies provide services internationally and deal with remotely located translators worldwide. He also gave his point of view on localization and wrote: Translation is starting to become a big business, increasingly integrating as suppliers the traditional cottage industry of freelances. The activity known as ‘localization’ has been added to existing translation business sectors, and it i s also one of several sectors where practitioners are in the process of acquiring distinct professional status (along with court and community interpreters). That said, it nay be noted in passing that ‘localization’ of Web page textual content is often just a new label for an old activity, namely free translation / adaptation. (p.788-789) According to Brian Mossop (2006), â€Å"some of the changes under way in the world of translation are not related to information technology at all†. He has used English translation as a global auxiliary language example. He also regarded this development as a new chapter in the history of lingua francas. (p. 788-792) As this paper looks into the work of modern writers and authors, one can not ignore Anthony Pym’s work on globalization and contribution to translation as

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