Monday, October 28, 2019

Consultant Recommendations World Cup Brazil 2014 Essay Example for Free

Consultant Recommendations World Cup Brazil 2014 Essay Introduction: Sport tourism is a significant part of the tourism industry, which has a remarkable impact on many aspects to the hosting region of the event. The Olympic games and the world cup have a long history since the Roman Empire, however; those mega events have established new developments in which they have improved the tourism industry depending on their geography. This paper will analyze the World Cup event that will be held in Brazil this year and will illustrate it’s Strength, weaknesses, Opportunities, and threats in order to conclude a beneficial recommendations that can make the country having a successful event. Overview: Brazil is the largest country in South America; the population is approximately 200,000,000 people with a tropical climate. The country is culturally rich and well known of their passion to Football as thy won the World Cup 5 times in their history. Strengths: Brazil’s economy is booming and the money that is been generated is being invested in infrastructure and projects for the future. Airports are being improved, roads are being built and public transportation expanded. New hotels are being constructed and more and more people are being employed and trained to handle the influx of tourists in the coming years. Moreover, beside the wealth in culture Brazil can offer to its tourist a magnificent natural beauty starting from the Amazon jungle, Amazon River, and many other tropical rainforests, which exposes a variety of animal species. Moreover, it also offers white sand beaches and bays that line the cost. As a result, tourists who will visit the region to watch the  World Cup will have the opportunity to explore the other aspects of the country that will enhance their experience and promote the destination even after the sport events. Weaknesses: According to FIFA president Sepp Blatter, the country was provided with 7 years preparation for the World Cup, which considered the longest period provided to a country to prepare for the event. Yet, it also considered the poorest preparation according to Sepp. (Rumsby, B. 2014). He views the preparation as less efficient than the South Africa preparation in 2010 that made their revenues from scratch. The infrastructure and the public transport system in the country are not in a high standard in most areas. Another major concern to the government of Brazil and the tourist around the world, who want to attend the events, is the high crime rate in the category of robbery, rape, fraud, and residential thefts. â€Å"There is significant and sustained organized criminal activity throughout Brazil, especially in major cities†(Brazil Crime and Safety Report, 2013). Poverty also is a major derive for crime and the increase of drug addicts in Brazil. The weaknesses could be summarized into the slow preparation (building stadiums), infrastructure, crime rate, and poverty. Opportunities: Besides the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Brazil will also host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. These sport events will bring countless tourism opportunities to Brazil. According to Whether it be a construction project for the Olympic facilities, or a business that benefits indirectly, such as a hotel or a property located nearby, these major sport events will offer opportunities for almost every type of entrepreneur and investor to make a healthy return (Brazil. Land of the Future, Para 2). Brazil will spend money to developing infrastructure, health centers, transportation facilities and other aspects of hospitality. An increasing number of tourists will be attracted by the World Cup and come to Brazil to travel. Therefore, the World Cup in Brazil is creating a huge number of jobs in the tourism industry, because it requires a large number of volunteers and workers to help the World cup succeed. More tourists also can develop  the economic of Brazil and increase the income for workers. The World Cup can attract much investment to Brazil that can help the business opportunities. â€Å"It is estimated that the world cup in 2014 will generate more than R$ 140bi to the Brazilian economy, between direct and indirect investments. (Global Intelligence Alliance, Para 4). That means these investments from foreign investors can help the economic growth of Brazil. Threats: In Brazil people demonstrated their anger by having a mass protest in different cities complaining about the high cost of living, low quality of education, and the high-cost of transportation (CNN, 2013, para.8). Riots in Brazil raises fear of transporting the event to the United Stated for security manner. There are many Brazilian supporters to the event to be established in their country. On the other hand, some opposition arises and took the world media coverage as an advantage to raise their concerns about the million of dollars being spent on the cup instead of investing it on health, education, transportation, and housing. According to BBC news there was 2,500 people in Sao Paulo who went to the streets and complained about the cost of staging the World Cup in Brazil (BBC NEWS, 2014). Recommendation: In conclusion, tourism industry during sports events is mainly shaped by economic, infrastructure, mega-structure, and political components. They could have either positive and/or negative outcomes contingent on the location. Tourism illiteracy should be eradicated by raising awareness of the benefits of the revenue of tourism. It may take time and effort to educate the people about the tourism impact on their daily life, but the success of delivering the message is worthy due to its future benefits. Brazil is not the first country who had riots before a sport event, it happened before in London before the Olympics games, and the managed to have a successful event(Duarte, F. 2013). We highly recommend the authority and people in Brazil to move forward with their event hosting plan and not stop in the halfway of making an event that will print a positive impact about Brazil to the rest of the world. References Montague, J. (Jul19, 2013). CNN. World Cup only benefits outsiders, say Brazil protesters, Retrieved from: Rumsby, B. (Jan 06, 2014). World Cup 2014: No country has ever been so far behind in preparations as Brazil, says Sepp Blatter. Retrieved from: Ford, P. D. (2014). OSAC. Brazil 2013 Crime and Safety Report: Rio de Janeiro. Retrieved from: Whibley, J. (August 13, 2013). Brazil Expects World Cup to Bring R$25b. Retrieved from: Duarte, F. (Jul 04, 2013). Futebol Brasil. Deal with it: Brazil will host the World Cup. Retrieved from: c=5901 Brazil. Land of the Future, 2014. Retrieved from: olympic-games/ Global Intelligence Alliance. 2014 World Cup Opportunities Beckon Foreign Investors to Brazil, 2014. Retrieved from: insights/all/2014-world-cup-opportunities-beck on-foreign-investors-to-brazil

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