Friday, January 31, 2020

Stop Poaching! Essay Example for Free

Stop Poaching! Essay Introduction My purpose for composing this proposal to solve a problem analysis is that I want to create awareness to the problem I am writing about because it is a very serious problem. The problem has increased drastically throughout Africa for the past decade. I place a very high value on its intellectual, social, psychological, economic, and physical significance towards this certain world problem. If I am increasing my comprehension and recognition of proposal writing; I will improve my critical reading and thinking ability exceptionally for future papers. Plan When I start the plan section of the metacognitive analysis I need to manage my time when reading the article: so I can better understand the article and what it is about. I have to plan very distinctively for the plan section of the metacognitive analysis. To write my paper I am going apply A2OC2 to write the paper. This process will help me access information, retrieve certain facts that are accurate for the paper, and make sure that the article I am using is excellent quality. This process will make the article I used to write my paper credible. To get all that information and the process to understand the article requires time. I estimate that I will need two hours to completely locate the right article for my paper, retrieve important information to write the paper, read and annotate the article. Also add an hour to complete a summary and genre analysis for the article. I expect the vocabulary to be difficult for the proposal to solve a problem metacognitive analysis. There is a great amount of medical words in this article and I do not know what most of them mean. I need about a few hours of sufficient time to integrate the above tasks into the metacognitive  analysis for my paper. During Reading II: Transferring Cognitive and Critical Reading Skills to Discourse Community Selection The way to use my newly acquired knowledge about proposal to solve problem arguments: is by managing my time better with my daily duties for a day. I can also have my resources ready around me when I need them for real-life situations in my chosen field. Another new skill I improved is critical reading and thinking: this skill will be very handle for my daily life actives. These skills will help me get prepared for my daily on-the-job tasks and real-life situations in my chosen field. That’s why managing my time and being prepared with necessary resources and having a critical reading and thinking about certain situations will help me understand them much better. Transfer Gobush, S.K., Mutayoba, M.B., Wasser, K.S. (2008) in â€Å"Long Terms Impact of Poaching on Relatedness, Stress Physiology, and Reproductive Output of Adult Female African Elephants† claims that poaching of elephants has left a lasting effect on the reproductive output of adult female elephants. The authors talk about how great the impact of poaching has left on the elephants physically and psychologically. The poaching has reduced elephant populations from 1.3 million to fewer than 600,000 in less than a decade and that psychological damaged the remaining elephants. Elephants live in group settings especially females; but the elephants that their Matriarch has been killed because of her tusks, do not live in group settings anymore. The young elephants suffer the most because they have no matriarch to teach them. There are more elephants now that live separately from other elephants because that is what they know. They did a study on the female elephants that lived in the isolated area that there was a high rate of poaching and it showed that those elephants had a higher fecal glucocorticoid values than the elephants that lived in an area that had a low rate of poaching. The elephants that lack an old matriarch have a higher physiological stress and a lower reproductive output (low chance of having children). The proposal  that has been presented to solve this problem is in 1989 an ivory ban was set up in this part of Africa. This ban is to prevent poaching of elephants for their tusks; which contain ivory. The authors have proposal to help move those isolated elephants out of the areas that have high rates of poaching to areas that there is a low rate of poaching. (Gobush et al) solutions to the problem are that they move the isolated elephants out of the poaching area and to the areas that is more heavily protected and more elephants that live in group settings. Ethically this proposal is excellent because it is help those elephants that have been scarred by poaching heal and getting them out areas that are conflicted by poaching. The time is a little too late because poaching has actually gotten worse through the years; but so has the protection in certain areas in Africa. Economic sense the proposal will take a lot of money to act on because Africa’s economy has been inadequate for the past decade. The practicality of the proposal is agreeable because it can be done if there is planning. (Gobush et al) used an extensive amount of outside sources to support their argument about poaching. The type of outside sources they used for the article is Statements from authorities, experimental data, statistics, and government documents. The authors used quotes from authors that are experts on the subject and facts from other scientist’s experiments on the same problem to support their argument. When (Gobush et al) did their experiments on the elephants they also had to check data from other experiments by other scientists to compare their on data and see is a difference had occurred. The way they integrated this information into the article is when they talked argued against poaching and effects it has taken on the elephants; they support that information from another article or use statistics from experimental data done by another scientist. (Gobush et al) does not seem to use any other outside sources other than these four types. (Gobush et al) (2008) support for their arguments reflects the A2OC2 information literacy formula: 1. Authoritativeness example: â€Å"Poaching dropped significantly across Tanzania following the ban; poaching mortality in Mikumi was reduced to a few elephants per year on average (Siege Baldus 2000: Ereckson  2001; J. Shemkunde, personal communication).†(Gobush et al, 2008, p.2). 2. Accuracy example: â€Å"Demographic disruption associated with poaching of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) is potentially long lasting because of the species long generation time. Poaching reduced populations from 1.3 million to fewer than 600,000 elephants in less than a decade (from 1979 to 1987).† (Gobush et al, 2008, p.2). 3. Objectivity example: â€Å"We hypothesized that adult female elephants that lack an old matriarch, close adult female, strong adult social bonds, or reside in an area with historically high risk of poaching maintain higher physiological stress and lower reproductive output than females from groups possessing these elements or that reside in areas of low poaching risk.† (Gobush et al, 2008, p.2). 4. Currency example: This article was submitted to Society for Conservation Biology in October 23, 2007 and accepted on March 13, 2008. (Gobush et al, 2008, p.1). 5. Coverage: This article has an extensive amount of information on the poaching of African elephants and the drastic effect poaching has left them through the years. The article has countless data from the experiments that (Gobush et al) conducted on the elephants. The data supplies information on how long poaching has been going in certain areas of Africa: also it provides the physical, psychological and physiological ef fect it has on the elephants that reside in those certain areas. The article is 11 pages long including the references that take up two pages. The information presented in the article that I learned can function in a future professional setting in my chose field. The way I will apply the information is that I and my co-workers will do an experiment on elephants in our time and still see if the effects of poaching are as drastic as they were years ago. Poaching by then should have slowed down; but if it has not then I predict that the trend would have gone up. So that where my co-workers and I come in and we are going to work together and get the data for proof of how tragic poaching has been on the elephants. We then take the data to the government and present it to them with facts about how bad the effects of poaching are to the elephants. An example is if I am writing a paper I would know how to use my newly acquired proposal writing strategies to communication. The proposal structure I would use is the Transferring Cognitive and Critical Reading Skills to Discourse Community Selection. The  evidence I would employ is web site, professional journal articles, non-print media, and a statement from authorities. These types of evidence meet the standards of my discourse community because they will help me to locate information that is important and select the best quotes to help me understand it better. After Reading: Evaluate and Reflect on What You Have Learned The metacognitive reading process can be difficult sometimes; I think I handled the process exceptionally well. There were moments that I did not understand how I was to apply the metacognitive process into my paper; but I eventually figured it out with a little research. So, technically my opinion on how well I engaged in the metacognitive reading process is that I did excellent engaging the process into my reading process. I have to say I need to improve on my planning when I start to read an article: I forgot my resources for example a highlight when I found an important piece of information. I had to reread again that area of the article. Evaluate The planning part of the metacognitive reading process was unsatisfactory because I did not plan very nicely. I was all over the place when I started the paper: I constantly had to go back to the article to find more information that made sense and connected to my main topic of the essay. Everything else was not as hard; annotating helped me understand the article incredibly well. I achieved all my reading goals for this paper; last time I said I was going to work on my time management and I did when I did this paper. I set a time for how long I would read the article and for writing my paper; I was surprised that I actually followed the time schedule. I was very realistic I chose sections that I knew I would understand quickly and finish them. I did not try to go for the whole metacognitive analysis paper when I knew very well I would have the time to finish it. That is not very realistic of me; but I plan to try for the next time I write another paper. The two ways that I can integrate the new reading strategies that learned in this unit is by establishing credibility to author of the articles I read. So I can know if what I am reading is credible. I will also counter argue with the author while I am reading; this will help me understand the subject  the article is on a critical reading and thinking level. My metacognitive reading goals have been met as I was writing this paper. My reading strategies have improved greatly through this writing process; especially my annotating and analysis on the article. I had to work on my analysis a few times because the first time it was not as good as I expected; but I have great confidence in my annotations of the article. These improvements will help me tremendously on my next paper. The one learning approach that I have made into a habit is I have become a critical reader and thinker and that has helped me a lot on this paper. That’s how will approach my futures article that I read and papers that I will write. Revise There are not many changes I can make to plan for future writing assignments because the planning I did for this paper was nearly perfect. I planned my time management and followed it through; but I think the one thing I would change having my resources a lined and close by. I chose a loud place and it was not comfortable for me. So I had some trouble getting comfortable and getting to work; there was too much distractions. To improve my awareness and recognition of the genre is that I will work on my presenting the subject; that part of the essay I believe was not as strong. Becoming a critical reader and thinker has gained me great confidence in my ability to read and understand information from the article. Also annotating has helped me tremendously and given me so much confidence. I think I can read any article and apply these skills and ended up understanding the article in the end. Conclusion Writing this paper has helped me improve my critical reading and thinking ability; but it has also improved my comprehension and recognition of proposal writing skills for this genre. These skills have helped me understand the article; it also helped me learn something new about how the world desperately needs our help. This article has made my desire to work with animals stronger. Poaching has a very high value of intellectual, social, psychological, economic, and physical significance. I hope this  world wide problem can be stopped soon. References Gobush, K. S., Mutayoba, B. M., Wasser, S. K. (2008). Long-Term Impacts of Poaching on Relatedness, Stress Physiology, and Reproductive Output of Adult Female African Elephants. Conservation Biology, 22(6), 1590-1599. Doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2008.01035.x Gettleman, J. (2012, September 3). Elephants dying in epic frenzy as ivory fuels wars and profits. The New York Times. Retrieved from http:/

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