Saturday, March 14, 2020

Personal wealth

Pg. 22 (1) Personal wealth relates to ethics in that wealthier people have more clout and have a much greater voice in things than someone who is just an average blue-collar person. People with wealth have the funds and resources that poor people do not. A prime example is reflected on how we live. Poor societies have poorer living conditions and live in run down polluted areas. Have you ever seen a wealthy family living in the projects? Pg 24-25 (2) Industries pollute the environment by cutting corners in production quality or waste disposal to minimize profit loss. The cheaper it is to produce an item, the greater the possible profit. It is cheaper to dump wastes in the river than to install a water treatment facility. The industry doesnt view this as unethical or immoral, they just see it as another factor that determines profitability. Pg 25-26 (3) Normal economic forces would work against pollution control because corporate decisions were based on short-term profitability rather than long-term benefit to society. This is starting to change thanks to such organizations such as CERES and other environmental groups. Pg 26-27 (4) Yes, it is unreasonable to expect a completely unpolluted environment. There is no sense to preserve the environment if the objective produces a national economic collapse. There needs to be a balance between industry and environment. Pg 27 (5) The dominant societal attitude towards resource use has been use resources more sparingly. Americans would not mind paying higher taxes for programs used to control acid rain and toxic waste dumping. Pg 22 (6) Development is the gradual unfolding, fuller working out; growth; evolution (of animal and plant races); well-grown state; stage of advancement. Preservation means to preserve from injury or destruction; a state of being or ill preserved, protected from harm. The conservation ethic recognizes the desirability of dece

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