Thursday, August 29, 2019

Natural Resources, Conflict and Conflict Resolution Research Paper

Natural Resources, Conflict and Conflict Resolution - Research Paper Example It will also look at how samples will be chose and studied for further deductions that will end up in the formation of an appropriate theory. This paper also contains limitations that are inherent in a research of this nature. The problem statement refers to fundamental problem in society that gives impetus for the enquiry to begin in a research (Harvey 2006). Anyone with some knowledge of the American revolution is aware that colonized population of the 13 states of America were fed up with the British taxes and tyrannical rule that practically enslaved the people. This is a common explanation for the revolt and uprising that followed between 1771 and 1776 when the British were eventually kicked out. However, a practical research can be set up in an attempt to evaluate the exact cause or a single cause of the uprising of the Patriots in this context. There is a wide range of issues that can come up this include the taxes, the justice system, general resentment etc. A research question is seen as â€Å"an explanatory question a researcher asks about variables of interest† (Wrench et al, 2003). In other words, when the researcher has an idea of what the research will be about, s/he can come up with a research question that will suit the situation. However, Wench et al (2003) continue to state that a research question should be formulated after some review of literature. In this case, the researcher needs to go through existing sources like books, journals, articles, websites and other materials written by credible sources to state the factual position relevant to the research. This means that the researcher has to fall on other authorities to find important matters and facts that have been arrived at by other authorities in the field. (Fearon 2005) argues that nations whose economies rely heavily or solely on primary commodity

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