Thursday, August 15, 2019

Non farming activities in india Essay

Dairy – It is a common activity in many villages. People feed their buffalos on various kinds of grass and the jowar and bajra that grows during rainy season. Then the milk is sold in nearby villages and towns. It is alos transported to far away towns and cities. A dairy is a business enterprise established for the harvesting of animal milk – mostly from cows or goats , but also from buffalo , sheep , horses or camels – for human consumption. A dairy is typically located on a dedicated dairy farm or section of a multi-purpose farm that is concerned with the harvesting of milk.kaloram Shops – People involved in Trade(shopkeepers) buy various goods from wholesale markets in the cities and sell them in the village Some villagers sell rice, wheat, sugar, tea, oil, biscuits, soap, toothpaste, batteries, candles etc.. People whose houses are close to the bus stand use a part of the space to open small shops. Some sell eatables like pakoras, samosas etc.. Transport – Transport is another major activity of villages.People with rickshaws, tongas, tractors, truks, bogey and bullock carts are the ones in the transport service and they transport goods and services from one place to another and in return get paid for it. —————————————- Cottage Industry in Indian Villages Another major occupation in Indian villages is the cottage industry. Cottage industry has emerged as a major source of employment in Indian villages over the period of time. Many villagers are occupied in various kinds of art and crafts works. The villagers produce different types of handicrafts products and many of them are earning their livelihoods by marketing them. The occupations like artisan in wood, cloth, metal and leather have been in existence in Indian villages, since the ancient period and are found even in the modern times. Many Indian villagers are dependent on these occupations to earn their livelihoods. The women in the rural areas, too are actively getting involved in different industries like matchbox and firework industries, Bidi making, agate and  slate industries, coffee and tea industries, brick industry, construction industry, electronics industry, spice industries, etc. Among these, the Bidi, slate or brick making industries are the most well spread industries in Indian villages. Apart from these industries, the Indian villagers have also become sweepers and scavengers. pottery :Pottery being an age old handicraft in India, the roots of the India pottery industry can be traced back to the earliest times of civilization. The beginning of pottery making trails back to the Neolithic era. During the time of the Indus Valley Civilization, this effective art form improved with technology. In the present day, the pottery industry in India has been put forward as a major cottage industry as well as on the contemporary lines in both small and big pottery concerns.India along with several other developing countries of Asia is considered as one of the first Asian countries to manufacture as well as export products of pottery. The pottery industry in India provides mass employment along with betterment of the living standards; both the village and city people comprise the work force of the industry. . tie and die:Tie-dye is a process of tying and dyeing a piece of fabric or cloth which is made from knit or woven fabric, usually cotton; typically using bright colorsDifferent forms of tie and dye have been practiced in India.Bandhani also known as Bandhej is a type of tie-dye practiced mainly in the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat, India Bandhej in Rajasthan is a traditional form of tie and dye which began about 5000 years ago. It is the oldest tie and dye tradition still in practice. Large scale industry: Large scale industries refers to those industries which require huge infrastructure, man power and a have influx of capital assets. The term ‘large scale industries ‘ is a generic one including various types of industries in its purview. it thus provides job many villagers Indian economy is heavily dependent on these large industries for its economic growth, generation of foreign currency and for providing job opportunities to millions of Indiansjaintia factories of rajgarh chips and namkeen .carpentery=the carpenter is one of the five useful articians of the villages Carpentry is a skilled trade in which the primary work performed is the use of wood to construct items as large as buildings and as small as desk drawers.

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