Sunday, September 29, 2019

Alcoholic Beverage and Energy Drink Essay

The main objective of Hector Beverage Pvt ltd is to capture the market and positioned the brand in the mind of the customer. The main targeted customers are college students,sports person. Since the beverage segment is a diversified segment . The competition is high and there are many more supreme brands and it is difficult for a new brand to capture the market. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT No task whatever big or small can be completed without proper guidance and encouragement. It gives us a great pleasure to our deep sense of gratitude and reverence to every person who created a congenial atmosphere for successful completion of this project. In doing this project, I have been extremely privileged to receive support from a large number of knowledgeable people. I am deeply indebted to Mr Neeraj Kakkar (CEO), Mr James Paul Nattal (CFO), Mr Suhas Misra (COO), Miss Ujwala Mishra (HR EXECUTIVE ) Mr Gaurav Sharma (Area manager) for giving me the opportunity to undergo my project in their esteemed organization and for giving their timely suggestions & valuable guidance. I would like to express our gratitude and profound thanks to Mr Pravat Shrivastsv (Senior coordinator), Miss Shilpa Puri (Faculty), International Management Center, New Delhi for his valuable sustained, guidance, invaluable suggestions and constant encouragement without which it would not have been possible for us to complete this project. TABLE OF CONTENTS Topic| Page no. | Cover page| | Title page| | Certificate| | Acknowledgement| | Preface| | List of figures| | List of Tables| | Executive Summary| 7| Introduction of Report| 9| Company Profile| 11| Literature Review| 18| Objectives| 19| Research Methodology| 20| Findings & AnalysisConclusion| 3435| Recommendations| 36| Limitations| 37| Biblography| 38| Annexture| 39| | | LISTS OF FIGURES: List of Figures| List of Tables| Page No| Figure 1:Pie graph for gender | Table 1| 22| Figure 2:Bar graph for coming across an energy drink| Table 2| 23| Figure3:Bar graph for regular curstomer| Table 3| 24| Figure4: Bar chart for tasting energy drink| Table 4| 25| Figure 5: Bar chart for tasting Tzinga| Table 5| 26| Figure 6: Bar chart for new awareness about Tzinga| Table 6| 27| Figure7: Bar chart for rating Tzinga flaviur| Table 7| 28| Figure8: Bar chart for tzinga providing advantage| Table 8| 29| Figure9: Bar chart of tzinga in any other flavour| Table 9| 30| Figure10:Bar chart for rating Tzinga accordance to price| Table 10| 31| Figure 11:Bar chart for comparision of Tzinga to other drinks| Table11| 32| | | |. | | | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Hector Beverages brings new experience to the Indian consumer. The company have used some natuaral herbs which is good for human health that emerges from scientific observation/ analysis of nature and creates tasty beverages, associating with leading companies and personalities. Cases in point is the first launch:Tzinga, lemon and mint flavor with natural herbs Gaurana and Zingsing. This product has a delicious taste of lemon mint with natural herbs Isolate with . Natural herbs are used to susstitute the amount of caffeine which is injurious to health . Its unique taste mekes it different than any other energy drink. And it has low amount of calories lowest calories. It is perfect for hard working days. They have these extremely meaningful products which are going to give them a competitive advantage over other products. INTRODUCTION The present world is fast moving world people are very busy and do not have time to take proper meal and consume mostly junk food which are high in calorie content and bad for health. it results in many different problem. Due to high intake of junk foods and low consumption of high nutrient value food people are suffering from more and more alments. in order to stay healthy and fit ,people should take proper nutritional content food. So Hector Beverage have launched new energy drink which has completely new flavor like lemon and mint which is completely drink from other enrgy drink. Hector is mainly targeting college students and office employees. So Hector is conducting many promotional activities to create an awareness So the main objective of Hector Beverage is to Create brand awareness for Tzinga. INTRODUCTION OF PROJECT Beverage industry is one of the fast growing industries in India . it can be divided into two sections i. e. carbonated and non-carbonated. the carbonated drinks that can be further classified into cola, lemon orange, mango and apple segments. Marketing includes all the activities like promotion, distribution, advertising etc. To fulfill all the segments of consumers. Marketing is also to convert social needs into profitable opportunities. So this topic provides all the essentials to theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge and to inculcate the efficiency. It is also requirement for the company to improve their service and product quality for achieving their ultimate goal. Beverages can be classified into 2 types ALCHOHOLIC BEVERAGE An alcoholic beverage is a drink containingethanol, commonly known as alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are divided into three general classes: beers wines, and spirits. Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that has a depressanteffect. A high blood alcohol content is usually considered to be legal drunkenness because it reduces attentionand slows reaction speed. Alcohol can be addictive, and the state of addictionto alcohol is known as alcoholism. The production and consumption of alcohol occurs in most cultures of the world, from hunter-gatherer peoples to nation-states. Alcoholic beverages are often an important part of social events in these cultures. In many cultures, drinkingplays a significant role in social interaction — mainly because of alcohol’s neurological effects. NONALCHOLIC BEVERAGE A non-alcoholic beverage is a beveragethat contains less than 0. 5% alcohol by volume. Non-alcoholic versions of somealcoholic beverages, such as non-alcoholic beer (â€Å"near beer†) and cocktails(â€Å"mocktails†), are widely available where alcoholic beverages are sold.alcoholic wine undergo an alcohol-removal process that may leave a small amount of alcohol. Because of this, some states have legal restrictions on non-alcoholic beer and wine. | ORGANIZATION PROFILE HECTOR BEVERAGES The beverage offerings in the developed world are so much better than those in the developing world. Beverages in the US and Europe are an important delivery mechanism for nutrients (macro, like protein and micro- vitamins and minerals) while in the developing countries they are little more than (as we have noted) sweetened fizzy water. Hector Beverage Pvt Ltd. is here to bridge the gap, to challenge the beverage majors and their attempts to maintain the status quo which they have been doing for all the years they have been in business. The beverage game is bound to change, for the better and Hector intends to be the people doing it Hector is a beverage company with a twist. Now that does not really mean that Hectors products have a dash of lemon (some of them, in the future mayindeed but that’s well besides the point). The twist is that Hectors beverages are meaningful. Hector beverages believes, and believe with a lot of intensity, that beverages have to be more than fizzy, sweetened/ flavored water. Worldwide beverages contribute a lot to the consumer’s health- delivering macro- nutrients (protein) and micro (vitamins and minerals) and there is no reason why that should not be the case in the developing world. Well, no reason apart from the fact that the beverage giants have a vested interest in sustaining the status quo as that keeps cost down. Hector beverages is the new kid on the block that aims to take on the beverage majors by offering real value to the consumer- thats it, so simple- just healthy, tasty drinks, no celebrities, no Santa Claus, no bells, no whistles. Hector associates itself with this story. As it is a very small player, new one also, in an industry which is so dominated by major players like Coke and Pepsi, it still believes that it will survive and win customers. Hector knows of what are the fundamental shortcomings of the existing beverage players- their inertia, and smugness and their commitment to status quo. So, Hector Beverages think that this Hector Vs Achilles will also be a contest of historic proportions, albeit with a significantly different outcome MISSION Hectors mission statement is as follows: 3 our mission is to serve people by Quality, Healthy and tasty protein drink. VISION Hectors vision is to capture Delhi and NCR market by providing quality, healthy and tasty protein drink at a suitable price to keep people healthy and fit. VALUES We thought about this and decided to have this section not because every company seems to have something reasonably rich to say on its values. We realized that this is the beginning of differentiation and our values to us are just some of the fundamental things that excite us. As some poet, forgotten cruelly by literature must have aptly noted: â€Å"with more self-serving nonsense we will not bore further thee but, instead, just spread out for your reading pleasure our values three†. 1. Audacity: For obvious reasons. a new business is anyway tough. The fact that we would be taking on the Beverage Behemoths makes it even more exciting. We love thinking big and are in it because we want to ask the big boys to â€Å"bring it on† 2. Rooting for the underdog: The underdog can’t but try harder. As the bona-fide underdog in the beverage market we have a vested interest in rooting for the underdog. 3. Integrity: All irreverence aside, we are committed to the greater common good and unwaveringly so. COMPANY HIGHLIGHTS The firm has started its operation to fulfill the need of the market segment that still have not been fulfilling properly. Hector Beverages brings healthy, tasty beverages to the Indian consumer. The company strives to bring the best for human health that emerges from scientific observation/ analysis of nature and creates tasty beverages,associatingwithleadingcompaniesandpersonalities. Cases in point are the first two launches: Frissia (TM) Chocolate Protein Drink and Frissia(TM) Vanilla Protein Drink. These products are a delicious blend of Soy Protein Isolate with natural identical chocolate or vanilla flavor for really busy people. Soy’s benefits for health are well recorded but a significant barrier to adoption has been its bitter after taste that we have taken care of in this blend. Its as good as any chocolate/ vanilla stuff that the consumer may consider. And, at the lowest calories/ gram of complete protein its perfect for work-days spent in meetings and working on laptops/ blackberries. Hector also brings about a genuinely new approach to market- dropping political correctness for an honest communication with consumers in all interactions. In short, we have these extremely meaningful products and are going to talk quite straight to our consumers. These are exciting times for Hector- do get in touch if you find all this interesting and want to be a part of Hector, in any capacity. Hector Beverages, a pioneer in the Indian Functional Beverages industry, recently announced the launch of their newest product – Tzinga Energy Drink. Tzinga is made with a powerful blend of ingredients to avoid those energy slumps we know all too well, and keep mind and body performing at their best. * Unlike existing energy drinks, Tzinga tastes great and is availalable for the very reasonable MRP of Rs 20. * Tzinga comes in a case with 12 pieces * Tzinga will be available at 2,000 stores around Delhi NCR starting April 7th, and is scheduled to launch in Bangalore by the end of April. INGREDIANTS * Tzinga consists of lemon and mint. * Also certain natural herbs like GUARANA and GYNSING (which are South American herbs) NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION(per 100ml): Water, sugar , lemon juice concentrate| 0. 75%| Caffeine| 0. 03%| Energy| 44kcal| Carbohydrate| 11g| Protein| 0g| Fat| 0g| 1. TARGET MARKET * Above 18 years * College students * Office employes * Sports person * Fitness freaks person RECOMMENDATIONS * Not applicable for Children below 18 * Also not applicable for pregnant women and lactating women * Not recommended for diabetic patients * Not more than 2 packs should be consumed in a day FOUNDER MEMBERS CEO PROFILE: Mr Neeraj Kakkar- His corporate career started after he completed his MBA from MDI, Gurgaon in 1998. He worked with Union Carbide and later Wipro before joining. Coke in 2001. He had an amazing run with Coke- the kind that becomes a part of Corporate Folklore, with the high point being his time in Bangalore when he seemed to have settled the much-touted Cola battle conclusively. In 2008, he headed to Wharton to do a second MBA and is now in the thick of the action as CEO of Hector Beverages Private Limited, India CFO PROFILE: Mr James Paul Nattal- James, Wharton alumni with Hector. After his Chemical Engineering from Brigham University, he worked with Dow Chemicals for six years and is what many call a packaging geek- so for him the form is the substance, the medium is the content. His packaging expertise ensures that when you buy our products, most of your money is not going to the packaging, as it does in the case of all other beverage companies. He is responsible for having created a number of food and beverage packaging concepts across the United States and Europe and heads the product development function for us. COO PROFILE: Mr Suhas Misra Suhas did his MBA from IIM Calcutta (Class of 2003) and joined Coke from campus. He had the kind of start that, again, Corporate Folklore, would describe as sensational- with astronomical growth rates being registered in rural Rajasthan. In 2005 he moved to Nokia, before, in 2006, starting ChannelPlay- India’s first integrated Sales Process Outsourcing company (www. channelplay. biz) and now is the COO of Hector Beverages Private Limited. Competators- Since the Beverage industry is a big diversified segment. There are many potential strong competators in this segment. Various beverage like milk, tea, coffee, beer, whisky, protein drink, energy drinks, soft drinks etc are all competitors for each other Tzinga with its unique flavor can create a niche in the market. Tzinga is the only energy drink which have used natural herbs. but the real competator of Tzinga is Red Bull . Redbull have been dominating the energy drink market since 6 yrs. To name a few potential competitors, the leading beverage manufacturing companies in India are Coca-cola, Pepsi-co, UB group, Hindustan Unilever Limited, Tata tea, Dabur foods, , Nestle India, Sula wines, CCD, LITERATURE REVIEW A traditional definition of a brand was: â€Å"the name, associated with one or more items in the product line, that is used to identify the source of character of the item(s)† (Kotler 2000, p.396). The American Marketing Association (AMA) definition of a brand is â€Å"a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors† (p. 404). Within this view, as Keller (2003a) says, â€Å"technically speaking, then, whenever a marketer creates a new name, logo, or symbol for a new product, he or she has created a brand† (p. 3). He recognizes, however, that brands today are much more than that. As can be seen, according to these definitions brands had a simple and clear functions identifiers. Before the shift in focus towards brands and the brand building process, brands were just another step in the whole process of marketing to sell products. â€Å"For a long time, the brand has been treated in an off- hand fashion as a part of the product† (Urde 1999, p. 119). Kotler (2000) mentions branding as â€Å"a major issue in product strategy† (p. 404). As the brand was only part of the product, the communication strategy worked towards exposing the brand and creating brand image. Aaker and Joachimsthaler (2000) mention that within the traditional branding model the goal was to build brand image ; a tactical element that drives short-term results. Kapferer (1997) mentioned that â€Å"the brand is a sign -therefore external- whose function is to disclose the hidden qualities of the product which are inaccessible to contact† (p. 28). The brand served to identify a product and to distinguish it from the competition. â€Å"The challenge today is to create a strong and distinctive image† (Kohli and Thakor 1997, p. 208). Concerning the brand management process as related to the function of a brand as an identifier, Aaker and Joachmisthaler (2000) discuss the traditional branding model where a brand management team was responsible for creating and coordinating the brand’s management program. In this situation, the brand manager was not high in the company’s hierarchy; his focus was the short-term financial results of single brands and single products in single markets. The basic objective was the coordination with the manufacturing and sales departments in order to solve any problem concerning sales and market share. With this strategy the responsibility of the brand was solely the concern of the marketing department (Davis 2002). In general, most companies thought that focusing on the latest and greatest advertising campaign meant focusing on the brand (Davis and Dunn 2002). The model itself was tactical and reactive rather than strategic and visionary (Aaker and Joachimsthaler 2000). The brand was always referred to as a series of tactics and never like strategy (Davis and Dunn 2002). OBJECTIVES * Maintaining positive, strong growth each year not withstanding seasonal sales pattern. * Achieve a comprehensive output in market penetration. * Increase customer satisfaction simultaneously. * A double to triple digit growth for the first five years. * Maintain a significant research and development budget to enhance future. * Product developments. * To take in fresh minds as interns and permanent recruits to lead the organization to a greater development path. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Descriptive strategy is used since we have to collect the primary imformation from Tzinga customer. A descriptive research intends to present facts concerning the nature and status of a situation, as it exists at the time of the study. Sample Design a). Sample Unit A business organization whether it is a mall, college canteen, shops is considered as one entity and would be considered as a 1 sample unit. b)Sample Size- A survey was conducted where sampling and sales were taking place. A sample size of 100 is taken. c)Sampling Technique- Sampling technique here used is non-probability simple random sampling. We considered it as area sampling since the research is focus onto a particular area. We will be using the NON – COMPARATIVE scaling technique and will be using the LIKERT scale in which 5options will be given ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. d)Sampling Area –. The area which was taken was South Delhi where I focused on shops and college. Data Collection a)Sources – Primary data collection method is used as data was collected directly from responded through questionnaire. questionaire were both open and closed . And ranking method is used to measure the degree of agreement and disagreement. b)Tools- Various statistical tools like pie-chart, is used to represent the data and interpret them DATA ANALYSIS Q1. . Gender a) Male b) Female | | Frequency| Percent| Valid| Male| 48| 60. 0| | Female| 32| 40. 0| | Total| 80| 100. 0| FIGURE 1 Analysis-This shows that male samples are more than female sample. Q2. Did you taste any energy drink before? (a) Yes (b) No Table 2Gender * Did you tatse Tzinga before? Crosstabulation| Count| | | Did you tatse Tzinga before? | Total| | | YES| NO| | Gender| Male| 23| 25| 48| | Female| 14| 18| 32| Total| 37| 43| 80| Figure 2 Analysis-This was a comparative study done between male and female. Out of total 48 samples of male 23 have tasted tzinga and 25 have not tasted it. also in the case of female out of 32 ,14 have tasted Tzinga and 18 have not tasted Tzinga. Q3. Where did you come across an energy drink? (a)Television (b)Newspaper (c)Magazine (d)Promotion event | Table 3|. | | Where did you come across an energy drink| Total| | | Television| Newspaper| Magazine| Promotional Event| | Gender| Male| 24| 3| 3| 18| 48| | Female| 19| 2| 0| 11| 32| Total| 43| 5| 3| 29| 80| Figure 3 Analysis-Again in the case of 48 respondent ,24 male responded have come to notice about energy drink through television,3 through newspaper,3magazine,18 through promotional event Q4. Which energy drink did you taste ? (a)Red bull (b)XXX (c) Clould 9 (d)Barn Table 4Gender * Which energy drink do you taste Crosstabulation| Count| | | Which energy drink do you taste| Total| | | Red Bull| XXX| Cloud 9| Barn| |. Gender| Male| 24| 10| 8| 6| 48| | Female| 11| 9| 9| 3| 32| Total| 35| 19| 17| 9| 80| Figure 4 ANALYSIS Out of 48 males 24 have take Redbull,10xxx,8 clould9barn. And in the case of female side 11 have taken Red bull,9xxx9 clould 9 nad 3 barn. Q5. Are you a regular consumer of energy drink? (a)yes (b)no Table 5 Gender * Are you a regular consumer of energy drink? Crosstabulation| Count| | | Are you a regular consumer of energy drink? | Total| | | YES| NO| | Gender| Male| 16| 32| 48| | Female| 11| 21| 32| Total| 27| 53| 80| Figure 5 ANALYSIS Out of 48 males,16 are regular consumer of energy drink and 32 are not regular consumer. And in the case of female out of 32 ,11 are regular consumer and 21 are not regular consumer. Q6. Have you tasted tzinga, the new launch ever? (a)yes (b)no Table 6 Gender * Have you tasted Tzinga the new launch ever Crosstabulation| Count| | | Have you tasted Tzinga the new launch ever| Total| | | YES| NO| | Gender| Male| 17| 31| 48| | Female| 12| 20| 32| Total| 29| 51| 80| Figure 6 ANALYSIS Out of 48 responded 17 have tasted tzinga before and 31 have not heard about Tzinga. And out of 32 females 12 have tasted Tzinga before and 20 have not. Q7. When did you first hear about tzinga? (a)promotion (b)friend (c)salesman Table 7 Gender * When did you first hear about Tzinga Crosstabulation| Count| | | When did you first hear about Tzinga| Total| | | Promotion| Friend| Salesman| | Gender| Male| 30| 13| 5| 48| | Female| 18| 13| 1| 32| Total| 48| 26| 6| 80| Figure 7 ANALYSIS Out of 48 male responded,30 have heard about Tzinga thrugh promotion activities,13 through friend and 5 through salesmamAnd in the case of 32 female responded 18 have heard about Tzinga though promotion 13 through friend. Q8. How much would you rate the flavour of Tzinga? (a). Excellent (b). Good (c). Average (d). Poor (e). Very poor. Table 8Gender * How much do you rate the flavour of Tzinga Crosstabulation| | | | How much do you rate the flavour of Tzinga| Total| | | Excellent| Good| Average| | Gender| Male| 3| 32| 13| 48| | Female| 3| 23| 6| 32| Total| 6| 55| 19| 80| Figure 8 ANALYSIS Out of 48 male responded,3 of them think that the flavor of Tzinga is excellent ,and 32 of them rate Tzinga as good ,and 13 of them average. In the case of female responded 6 of them think that it is excellenet ,23 are good and 6 average. 9. Would you say the design of the product Tzinga provides it an advantage when it comes to catching the eye of the customer? If Yes –How well? (a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Average | | Table 9| | | | would you say the design of the product catch the eye of the customer| Total| | | Excellent| Good| Average| | Gender| Male| 2| 30| 16| 48| | Female| 2| 24| 6| 32| Total| 4| 54| 22| 80| Figure 9 ANALYSIS Out of 48 male responded 2 think that the design is excellent,30 think that it is good 16 think that it is average in the case of emale respondent 2 think that it is excellent,24 think that it is good and 6 think that it is average. Q10. How much would you rate the value aspect accordance to its price? (a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Poor (e) Very poor Table 10 Gender * Value of the aspect according to price Crosstabulation| Count| | | Value of the aspect according to price| Total| | | Excellent| Good| Average| | Gender| Male| 4| 39| 5| 48| | Female| 4| 21| 7| 32| Total| 8| 60| 12| 80| Figure 10 ANALYSIS Out of 48 male responded think that it ha excellent quality accordance to its price,39 think that it is good according to its priceand 5 that it is average according to its price. IN the case of females 4 think that it is excellent ,21 think that it is good and 7 think that it is average. Q11. How would you rate tzinga in comparision to other energy drinks? (a). Excellent (b). Good (c). Acverage. (d). Poor (e). Very poor Table 11 Gender * Rate Tzinga with respect to other energy drinks Crosstabulation| Count| | | Rate Tzinga with respect to other energy drinks| Total| | | Excellent| Good| Average| | Gender| Male| 2| 26| 20| 48| | Female| 2| 9| 21| 32| Total| 4| 35| 41| 80| Figure 11 ANALYSIS According to the samples 2 people think that Tzinga is excellent ,26 think that it is good and 20 are average. And in the female segment 2 think that it is excellent ,9 think that it is good and 21 think that it is average. FINDINGS From the following project we can draw inference that Tzinga is new to the marketand is being liked by the people . People prefer this drink due to its unique flavor and intensity. Thought people are not that much aware of the product male are more exposed towards the product and have showed positive response towards it. CONCLUSION * The Tzinga is more liked by the youngsters of age group (21-25). * Tzinga is liked by the customers basically its design , price and taste. * The promotional activity is not liked by the customers. So they are not attracted too much towards this new brand. * The opinion does not vary as per the Genders of the customers. * The variation of taste and price will affect the preference of Tzinga. * The opinion of Tzinga is same for all age groups of people basically about the promotional activities. RECOMMENDATION * Television advertisement and promotional activities must be put up. * The distribution channel should be made strong. * Different diversified flavor must be introduced in the market. * Tzinga should be introduced in other parts of Indian Market. LIMITATIONS 1. The should be different flavours ,the lemon taste are not liked by many people. 2. Due to strong brand positioning by Red bull,it will take time for Tzinga to get established. 3. The availability of Tzinga is limited,it is not available in every store . 4. As zinger is a new brand,it suffers from identity crises BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Malhotra, Naresh K. Marketing research and applied orientation, (2010), Prentice Hall, New Delhi, Vol. 5, pp. 613-623, pp. 468. 2. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary, Principles of marketing, Pearson Publication. REFERENCES: * http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Promotion_(marketing) * http://hectorbeverages. com/about_us * http://hectorbeverages. com/hectors_values * http://hectorbeverages. com/home * http://hectorbeverages. com/homers_hector * http://www. adams-graphic-design-advertising-agency. com/point-of-purchase. html * http://www.aistriss. jp/old/lca/ci/activity/project/sc/report/030319_document/S2-1-Mont. pdf * http://www. eurelectric. org/Download/Download. aspx? DocumentID=2965 ANNEXTURE QUESTIONAIRE Name- Phone number- 1. Gender a)Male b)Female 2. Did you taste any energy drink before? (a)yes (b)no 3. Where did you come across an energy drink? (a)Television (b)Newspaper (c)Magazine (d)Promotion event 4. Which energy drink did you taste ? (a)Red bull (b)XXX (c) Clould 9 (d)Barn 5. Are you a regular consumer of energy drink? (a)yes (b)no 6. Have you tasted tzinga, the new launch ever? (a)yes (b)no 7. When did you first hear about tzinga? (a)promotion (b)friend (c)salesman 8. How much would you rate the flavour of Tzinga? (a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Poor (e) Very poor 9. Would you say the design of the product Tzinga provides it an advantage when it comes to catching the eye of the customer? If Yes –How well? (a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Poor (e) Very poor 10. How much would you rate the value aspect accordance to its price? (a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Poor (e) Very poor 11. How would you rate tzinga in comparison to other energy drinks? (a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Poor (e) Very poor.

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