Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Graduation Speech: Christ is Still the Only Way :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

For the last 18 years or so, we have been influenced and directed by parents, teachers, and other authority figures. We have been told when to get up, when to work, when to play, when to eat, sleep, come home, go out, etc., etc., etc. Now we are moving on. As we do, let me remind you of two principles we have been taught, the principle of freedom and the principle of success. As adults, a whole new world of personal freedom awaits us. Freedom is a wonderful gift. It is similar to a coin with two sides. Those of us with a driver's license understand these two concepts every time we get into a car. In your car, where you go, how fast you go, and what route you will take are all up to you. You are free to make those choices. However, this freedom also means that you must be responsible. Why does the law require that we have insurance? Because the moment you take control of the vehicle, you become accountable for every one of your actions until your vehicle reaches its destination. You have the freedom to go as fast as you want, but the law will discipline you if you go too fast. You have freedom to take any road you want, but not every road will take you to your desired destination. Life is very much like driving. You are free to choose any one of the many options before you both now and in the future, but not every option will take you where God would want you to go. Proverbs 16:9: The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. You can choose to live in the so-called "fast lane" without any sense of responsibility, but are you ready to pay the price? Proverbs 14:12: There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. In order to remain truly free you must learn to balance personal choices with biblical responsibility. Live your life to the fullest, mindful that we will all someday give an account to God for our actions. As you enjoy this tremendous gift called freedom, stay accountable to God because that's the only way to maximize your potential for success. This brings me to my second point. Most people don't really understand success, at least not as the Bible defines it.

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